Is there a Creator?

The Big Bang model says that all matter and energy in our universe was formed ~14 billion years ago when the universe exploded into existence. Time as we know it began then. As a young person, I had thought the universe was eternal and infinite: it is not per modern science. The universe is both finite and measurable: science has measured its current and projected size, as well as the amount of matter and energy in the universe. The universe had a beginning. All of this is consistent with the Biblical account of creation.

There had to be a careful tuning of forces to allow galaxies, stars, planets, and other bodies to form. I believe that the analysis of Hugh Ross in Creator and the Cosmos is compelling: see and

These arguments lead me toward deism or theism, and away from materialism or pantheism: toward metaphysical dualism, away from monism.

This does not prove the existence of a Christian God; only that there seems to be a creator. I am inclined to believe in a personal God for two reasons.

  1. God decided to create our universe. Decision-making is a characteristic of persons; and creation is another such characteristic.
  2. Persons were created (or evolved) in this universe. I do not see how persons with intelligence could emerge unless they were formed by a personal creator with intelligence.

These two arguments lead me toward theism, and away from deism.

If you do not believe in a personal God who made persons, then it becomes difficult to explain how persons emerged who can comprehend the world. How could beings formed only by materialistic evolution be able to reason? It is very straightforward to believe in a personal God with intelligence who created humans (persons) with intelligence. I have not heard clear arguments that explain how intelligent persons were formed by impersonal forces.

These are my beliefs based on reading and study over my lifetime. The reasons I began to believe are less informed than my current beliefs. I have not found a convincing alternative to Christianity. It would be interesting to me if you could describe the alternative beliefs you currently hold.

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1 Response to Is there a Creator?

  1. Terry M. says:

    Cogent reasoning.

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